Restore & Retain Alopecia/Thinning Hair System
Regular price $124.99
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Our StrandStimulator dermastamp works by making small pricks in your scalp that stimulate your follicles and increase blood flow to the area to combat hair thinning and temporary hair loss. It has an adjustable gauge so that you can modify the length of the needles as you make progress with your treatment.
The Stimulate Bundle includes a DermaStamp plus the Scalp Scrub, Tangle Release, Triple C Hair Mask, Avocado Honey Mint Hair Smoothie and XXTRA STRENGTH StrandStrengthener Hair Oil.
The Stimulate & Maintain Bundle* includes a DermaStamp plus the Exfoliate, Detangle, Cleanse, Restore & Maintain Bundle.
The Scalp Scrub detoxifies your scalp, while exfoliating and removing build up. The Triple C Hair Mask clarifies and cleanses your hair, removing product cast and conditioning your hair to better receive moisture. The Tangle Release works as a pre-poo and detangler but also can be used as a deep conditioner. The Avocado Honey Mint Hair Smoothie restores and replenishes your hair while also stimulating your scalp to increase circulation and promote growth. The Hydrating Leave In Conditioning Spray, Moisturizing Hair Milkshake Creme, Brownie Hair Butter and StrandStrengthener Hair Oil (MixxxTresses Moisture Maintenance System) all work together to help train your hair to better retain moisture in between washes and treatments.
*Comes with a FREE MixxTresses StrandSaver Detangling Flexxeebrush.
Scalp Scrub (4 oz)
Tangle Release (8 oz)
Triple C Hair Mask (8 oz)
Avocado Honey Mint Hair Smoothie (8 oz)
Hydrating Leave In Conditioning Spray Mister (8.5 oz)
Moisturizing Hair Milkshake Creme (8 oz)
Brownie Hair Butter (4 oz)
StrandStrengthener Hair Oil (2 oz in Stimulate Bundle/ 4oz in Stimulate & Maintain Bundle)